
A strong legacy driving a strong future

We’ve got a track record that turns heads. A history that inspires confidence. Credentials that can’t be ignored.

Norm Brownstein, Jack Hyatt and Steve Farber had no idea what the future held when they opened their law firm in 1968—neither did Frank Schreck, who also started his practice the same year and later merged with Brownstein Hyatt & Farber in 2007. For more than 50 years, we’ve been making moves that have placed us at the vanguard of our industry. We’ve witnessed a complete evolution of the legal industry as well as periods of economic recession and incredible growth. And we’ve taken those lessons with us as we’ve grown from three University of Colorado graduates to a firm of more than 600. We’re proud of this legacy and relentless pursuit of excellence.

A preposterous idea

Four founders with shared values. 

The year was 1968 and childhood friends—Norm Brownstein, Jack Hyatt and Steve Farber—sat around a kitchen table in Denver’s West Side neighborhood debating their preposterous idea. Only six-months out of law school and without a business connection to speak of, the three young attorneys set out to start a law firm in downtown Denver. It may have been an outlandish idea at the time but with a lot of grit and a focus on relationships, look where it is today. Much may have changed over the last five-plus decades, but our founders' core values and commitment to strong relationships remain firm.

It must have been kismet because unbeknownst to Norm, Jack and Steve, another legal legend —Frank Schreck—was launching his own career In Henderson, Nevada that same year. In 1971, Frank was named to the Nevada Gaming Commission where he spent four years rewriting rules and regulations. Following that, he founded his own law firm. Fast-forward to 2007 when Norm approached Frank about a merger. While it wasn’t the first merger offer Frank had received, it was the last thanks to the shared value-system of the founders. Brownstein wouldn’t be what it is today without the addition of Frank Schreck and his firm.
