Advancing The Democratic Tax Agenda In 2021
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Advancing The Democratic Tax Agenda In 2021

November 13, 2020
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By Brownstein Tax Policy Team

On Nov. 7, several major news organizations declared Joe Biden as the nation's president-elect. While states have not officially certified their results, Democrats will assume control of the White House, with the balance of power on Capitol Hill yet to be determined.

While U.S. House of Representatives Democrats have retained their majority by a narrower margin, whether they control of the U.S. Senate will depend on the results of two Jan. 5, 2021, Georgia special elections. Incumbent Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler will face off against Democrat Raphael Warnock and incumbent Republican Sen. David Perdue will face off against Democrat Jon Ossoff.

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On Nov. 7, several major news organizations declared Joe Biden as the nation's president-elect. While states have not officially certified their results, Democrats will assume control of the White House, with the balance of power on Capitol Hill yet to be determined.

While U.S. House of Representatives Democrats have retained their majority by a narrower margin, whether they control of the U.S. Senate will depend on the results of two Jan. 5, 2021, Georgia special elections. Incumbent Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler will face off against Democrat Raphael Warnock and incumbent Republican Sen. David Perdue will face off against Democrat Jon Ossoff.

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