Peter M. Goodloe

Peter M. Goodloe

Consulting Attorney


Experienced attorney with technical understanding of federal health policy. Drafts thoughtful regulatory comment letters and legislative language. Decades of congressional experience serving as counsel for the House of Representatives.

Pete Goodloe helps businesses and non-profits understand the ever-changing world of health-related federal laws and regulations. He is a dependable legal mind to clients in their efforts to convince Congress and federal agencies to adopt reasonable policies that protect patients and the public health. Pete spends much of his time advising clients on issues related to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) policies; Medicare reimbursement of physicians; the Public Health Service Act; and the Controlled Substances Act. 

An attorney through and through, Pete’s comprehension of health policy is leveraged to interpret how sophisticated laws and regulations impact clients. When opportunities or challenges arise, he drafts legislative language and comment letters that capture his clients’ perspective and appeal to decision-makers on the receiving end. He also is experienced with House and Senate procedural rules and develops successful strategies for moving legislation through Congress.

Over his career, Pete has helped clients engage with officials at the FDA, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and the leadership of the Department of Health and Human Services, as well as senior health committee staff in Congress. For over two decades, he served as an attorney in the House of Representatives, both in the Office of Legislative Counsel and for the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Pete developed legislation pertaining to the FDA; the National Institutes of Health; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; the Drug Enforcement Administration and other health-related agencies. He also was an adjunct professor at the George Washington University Law School for 14 years. 



    Representative Matters

    • Assisted a trade group in securing a change in Medicare policy relating to physician reimbursement.

    • Assisted a company in securing a change to the Controlled Substances Act concerning the scheduling of a drug whose active ingredient was a Schedule I substance.

    • Assisted a client in first making Congress aware of novel issues presented by generic complex drugs.

    • Assisted a client in securing an exemption for certain orphan drugs from the Medicaid new-formulations rebate under the Affordable Care Act.



    • J.D., 1985, Vanderbilt University Law School
    • B.S., 1983, summa cum laude, Birmingham-Southern College

    Previous Experience

    Legislative Counsel and Parliamentarian, U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce (2007-2008)

    U.S. House Office of Legislative Counsel (1985-2006)


    • Washington, D.C.