Our clients expect smart legal and policy strategies from us. Delivering stellar results is only possible when you have a diverse team of individuals bringing their unique life experiences, worldviews, knowledge and skills to the table. We are committed to cultivating a diverse workforce and engage in a variety of efforts to increase our recruitment of diverse lawyers and policy professionals. These efforts are targeted towards both lateral recruitment and on-campus recruiting. Each year, the Colorado Pledge to Diversity Program facilitates at least one first year diverse law student to participate in our summer associate program. A similar program through William S. Boyd School of Law is deployed in Nevada, where a second-year diverse law student interns for the spring semester.
We are deeply committed to attracting and growing our diverse talent pipeline by providing access to resources towards a career path in the legal profession. We do this through partnerships with talent-feeder programs and financial investments, including sponsorship of pipeline/pre-law programs at:
- the University of Nevada Las Vegas,
- the University of Denver
- and Law School Yes We Can (LSYWC), a Denver-based pipeline development program.
In addition, we collaborate to host events that give diverse students opportunities to network with attorneys and learn about the firm culture and what it is like to work in a large law firm. And we host skill-building workshops, serve on panels and mentor students to prepare for college, law school and beyond through our participation with LSYWC.