How Can Developers Avoid Problems Before They Arise?
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How Can Developers Avoid Problems Before They Arise?

Brownstein Client Alert, February 15, 2019
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Developers face a myriad of complex issues with every project, ranging from public and private financing options, tax minimization, insurance placement, developer liability protections, entitlement risks, water acquisition, sustainable energy systems, naming and branding rights, to neighborhood opposition and political challenges.

How can you find simple solutions to these complex problems to figure out the development puzzle?

Solution = Development Diagnostic
The easiest and most cost-effective solution? Avoiding a problem in the first place. Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck’s nationally recognized Real Estate Department provides a “Development Diagnostic” to analyze your project from our experienced, multidisciplinary perspective to look for and highlight potential problems, gaps and opportunities in the project.

  • We bring a SWAT team of attorneys and strategic partners to meet with you for a two-hour informal and interactive meeting.
  • We will ask questions designed to identify critical development issues and provide you with options to avoid or minimize problems.
  • We will provide this service at no cost to you, and there is no other commitment and no strings attached.

We have been providing solutions to complex projects and shaping the face of metropolitan Denver for more than 50 years. We focus on simple, powerful and effective solutions.

Sometimes it’s as simple as changing the sequence of steps in the project or identifying a way to work with the neighborhood opposition group or political leadership before things get heated. Decoding the development process and getting out ahead of the problem will save you money, minimize wasted time, avoid surprises and unnecessary rabbit holes, and give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you have thought through it all.

For more information, please contact Greg Vallin or Carolynne White.

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