Update on the Equal Pay Act and Age Discrimination in Employment Act
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Update on the Equal Pay Act and Age Discrimination in Employment Act

Speaker, American Bar Association, Section of Labor and Employment Law, Federal Labor Standards Legislation Committee, February 19, 2021
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This program will provide an update on and analysis of Rizo v. Yovino, the long-running Ninth Circuit case that was remanded by the U.S. Supreme Court involving whether prior salary is a legal basis for a wage differential under the Equal Pay Act. Panelists also will discuss current trends in EPA litigation with a focus on the shifting scope of defenses available to employers under the EPA and other related state laws.

In addition, the panel will provide an update on this year’s seminal cases under the Age Discrimination and Employment Act as well as address litigation and non-litigation considerations of COVID-19’s impact on the workplace (i.e., claims, OWBPA disclosures, RIFs and adverse impact analyses, release timing, etc.).

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