Two birds, one executive order: Will Newsom's latest order ease the housing crisis?
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Two birds, one executive order: Will Newsom's latest order ease the housing crisis?

Co-Authors, Daily Journal, Aug. 16, 2024

Governor Gavin Newsom's latest order promotes housing on underdeveloped and underutilized infill sites to help meet the state's housing and climate goals. 

The California housing crisis has led to home values and rents being among the highest in the nation. As a gubernatorial candidate in 2017, Gavin Newsom pledged to help develop 3.5 million new housing units by 2025. Since taking office in 2018, Gov. Newsom has invested $40 billion in affordable housing production, enacted various housing streamlining bills into law, and championed the creation of a California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) Housing Accountability Unit to hold cities and counties accountable to plan and permit their fair share of housing. 

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