Crypto Exchanges Could Be Next Regulatory Target
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Crypto Exchanges Could Be Next Regulatory Target

Co-author, Law360, October 2, 2018
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On Sept. 18, 2018, the office of the New York state attorney general, or OAG, released the Virtual Market Integrity Report, a 40-plus page report on the state of crypto or virtual currency exchanges. Generally, exchanges serve as marketplaces to permit consumers to trade virtual currencies and may function similarly to traditional stock exchanges or broker-dealers.

To date, much of the regulators’ attention has been on initial coin offerings, or ICOs. As regulators have broadened their expertise in virtual currencies and dedicated more resources to policing the industry, they have expanded their focus beyond ICO fraud and other ICO violations to the businesses behind post-ICO trading. The report indicates that regulators are now focused on more systemic issues, such as cybersecurity, preventing conflicts of interest, and market manipulation.

Click here to read the entire article, published in Law360.

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