Downplaying or Concealing Coronavirus Risk Could Result in Consumer Protection Lawsuits
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Downplaying or Concealing Coronavirus Risk Could Result in Consumer Protection Lawsuits

Co-author, Hotel Executive, April 12, 2020
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In the wake of coronavirus's impact on many consumers' vacation planning, companies in the hospitality industry should not be tempted to downplay or conceal risks around COVID-19 exposure. Reports surfaced earlier this month that a major cruise line encouraged sales teams to downplay and even misrepresent risks associated with COVID-19 in order to continue bookings. According to those reports, emails from managers within the company instructed employees to call more than 150 people a day and tell them that the virus "cannot live in the amazingly warm and tropical temperatures that your cruise will be sailing to," and that "the only thing you need to worry about for your cruise is do you have enough sunscreen?"

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