Friednash: Polis’ fast enforcement of vaccine mandate for state employees will save lives
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Friednash: Polis’ fast enforcement of vaccine mandate for state employees will save lives

Author, The Denver Post, October 5, 2021
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Gov. Jared Polis deserves credit for issuing an executive order this week that streamlines the process for firing state employees who refuse to get vaccinated for COVID-19 if they interact with vulnerable people or those living in congregate living settings like health facilities and prisons.

This shouldn’t be difficult, but it is necessary.

In Denver, 99% of city employees who did not have a health or religious exemption have been vaccinated.

As covered by The Denver Post, Polis eliminated a state rule that required written notice seven days in advance of a “pre-disciplinary meeting” for a state employee out of compliance with vaccination requirements. As a result, the state can now go directly to the disciplinary phase, providing written notice of potential disciplinary action without having to hold a meeting first. State employees have 10 days to respond in writing to the notice and can be fired immediately if they do not respond after that timeframe.

Click here to read the entire article.

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