Tips for Balancing Pro Bono Work With Your Busy Schedule
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Tips for Balancing Pro Bono Work With Your Busy Schedule

Author, Communiqué, December 1, 2023

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It’s a balancing act! These are the words most attorneys say when asked how they fit everything into their day. Every time I hear this, I envision an attorney walking a tightrope, holding a child in one hand, a briefcase in another hand, and somehow balancing a basket of laundry on their head while simultaneously appearing for a hearing via video conference. If that attorney were complying with their obligations (wink, wink), tucked in that briefcase would be a file folder for a pro bono matter or two. While there are no hard-and-fast rules on how to ensure those pro bono matters don’t send you spiraling off the tightrope, through the years—both from my own experience and witnessing my colleagues—I have gathered some tips and tricks to help “fit” pro bono into your busy practice.

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