Five Tips Before Acquiring a Site for Battery Energy Storage
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Five Tips Before Acquiring a Site for Battery Energy Storage

Co-author, Renewable Energy World, August 24, 2020
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Are you part of California’s surging development of battery energy storage projects? If so, you may already know that it is being driven by policy initiatives including California’s goal to achieve 100% carbon-neutral energy by 2045, public demand for more local grid resiliency, and—particularly for coastal projects—the state’s interest in phasing out nuclear and natural gas power plants that use marine water for cooling.

Why batteries? Batteries help meet local resource adequacy and create resiliency in fire-prone areas, particularly in coastal load pockets with reduced service redundancy. Grid issues that come with solar and wind power can be eased when projects are paired with batteries. And while batteries can be charged from any grid resource, they are effective at storing excess energy generated by renewables during low demand periods so it can be deployed when energy demand ramps up.

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