Nevada's 80th Legislative Session — Day 1/120
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Nevada's 80th Legislative Session — Day 1/120

Brownstein Client Alert, February 4, 2019
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Today marks the first day of Nevada’s 80th Legislative Session.

Nevada is one of only six states that holds a biennial session. Nevada’s Legislature is constitutionally mandated to meet in odd-numbered years for 120 consecutive days beginning the first Monday in February—which brings us to today, Feb. 4.

In order to complete the work of the people in such a condensed time frame, Nevada’s 63 legislators—42 Assembly members and 21 senators—have specific deadlines that must be met.

The 120-day calendar and associated deadlines drive the flow of the legislative session. You can find a copy of the 120-day 2019 session calendar here.

Additional information, including legislator contacts, bill and committee information and bill draft requests can all be found here.

The 80th regular meeting of the Nevada Legislature is scheduled to “sine die”—with no appointed date to resume—on June 3.

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