Friednash: Lessons of the Greatest Generation will help us and defeat our silent, deadly enemy
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Friednash: Lessons of the Greatest Generation will help us and defeat our silent, deadly enemy

Author, The Denver Post, April 24, 2020
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The days have passed in a blur since March 10, the day Gov. Polis declared a state of emergency. But as vividly as I remember 9/11, I recall with clarity learning COVID-19, our invisible enemy, had landed on our shores.

My law partner, Rich Benenson, and I had just returned from Sacramento when news broke that the first possible case of community spread in the United States was being treated there. The issue became very real for both of us.

Although I didn’t have a clue what that news might mean for our state, I decided to write about it. In my Feb. 28 column, I speculated that, “while the impact here is uncertain, there are global concerns that the health crisis can turn into an economic crisis. Wall Street is waking up to the prospect that the coronavirus could disrupt the global economy.”

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