Sowing the seeds for brand success: Securing trademark protection in an evolving cannabis market
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Sowing the seeds for brand success: Securing trademark protection in an evolving cannabis market

Co-author, Vegas Inc, April, 19, 2021

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With cannabis use becoming increasingly mainstream and with more and more players flooding the market, it’s more important than ever to have a plan in place to not only set your trademarks (i.e., your company brands) apart from competitors, but legally protect them. For now, federal law continues to be behind the curve and is struggling to keep up with this fast-moving market, resulting in major differences in what trademarks are protectable at the federal and state levels.

In the face of these state and federal differences, you may be asking yourself: How exactly do I go about sowing the seeds for my brand's future success? Here, we offer a simple framework for developing and protecting your trademarks in this evolving market.

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