Opinion: Lorie Smith’s desire to discriminate shouldn’t sway an unbiased Supreme Court
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Opinion: Lorie Smith’s desire to discriminate shouldn’t sway an unbiased Supreme Court

Author, The Denver Post, December 11, 2022

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As the United States Supreme Court takes up yet another culture war issue, it comes against a backdrop of falling stature, overt conflicts of interest, and questionable behavior.

At issue this week is whether Lorie Smith, a Colorado Christian web designer, and her company, 303 Creative LLC, are required to provide wedding website design services to same-sex couples. Smith believes her Christian faith prevents her from creating websites for gay customers even though such a website would be otherwise identical to one she would design for a straight couple.

Importantly, the case presents a mere hypothetical. Smith has never created wedding websites before and does not create wedding websites for any customers, let alone same-sex couples.

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