Eight Predictions Regarding the Impact of the Coronavirus in the Bankruptcy World – A Retrospective
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Eight Predictions Regarding the Impact of the Coronavirus in the Bankruptcy World – A Retrospective

Co-author, Nevada Lawyer, October 2020

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On April 9, 2020, the Bankruptcy Law Section of the State Bar of Nevada presented a webinar opining upon the likely legal impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Joining the authors of this article were Thomas J. Salerno, Esq., of Stinson, LLP, and G. Neil Elsey of Avion Holdings LLC, who had recently published similar predictions in an article entitled “The Coronavirus and Its Likely Impact on the Bankruptcy World.”

The panel offered eight predictions as to what would occur in the insolvency field in the months following the initial outbreak of novel coronavirus cases. This article summarizes those predictions and comments on how, in retrospect, each of those predictions faired. Constrained by the space afforded to this article, as well as the continually shifting state of the world, this article is limited to general talking points.

Click here to read the full article.

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