Carolynne White Appointed to Adams County Economic Development’s Executive Committee
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Carolynne White Appointed to Adams County Economic Development’s Executive Committee

January 09, 2020
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Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck is pleased to announce that Shareholder Carolynne White has been appointed to the Adams County Economic Development’s Executive Committee as secretary.

Adams County Economic Development (ACED) is a public/private, nonprofit economic development agency serving Adams County, Colorado, its 10 municipalities and more than 10,100 businesses. ACED’s mission is to be the business-centric hub in Adams County for economic growth, advocacy, and partnerships while promoting investments in the community. 

“We’re fortunate to have such passionate and dynamic leaders guiding our economic development strategy in Adams County,” said ACED Board of Directors Chair Tom Stone. “With unprecedented job growth, ACED is poised to capitalize on its vision to develop a climate that results in quality jobs and a strong, economically vibrant and desirable community.”

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