Nichole Burnett Joins Freedom Service Dogs of America’s Young Professionals Council
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Nichole Burnett Joins Freedom Service Dogs of America’s Young Professionals Council

May 24, 2022
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Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck is pleased to announce that Nichole Burnett, an associate in its Denver office, has joined the Freedom Service Dogs of America (FSD)’s Young Professionals Council. The organization transforms lives by partnering its clients—veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder, children and teens with autism and other neurocognitive disabilities and individuals with physical disabilities—with custom-trained assistance dogs.

In her role on the council, Burnett will be part of a network of young professionals who help build and ensure the future of FSD through fundraising, advocacy, community outreach and volunteer support.

As the family member of multiple former and active duty military members, Burnett hopes to bring awareness to the organization and support its mission.

“I am passionate about Freedom Service Dogs’ mission and being involved gives me the opportunity to contribute to the community and combine my love for animals with my passion for supporting military veterans,” she said.

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