Avi Loewenstein Appointed to Young Americans Center for Financial Education’s Board of Directors
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Avi Loewenstein Appointed to Young Americans Center for Financial Education’s Board of Directors

April 02, 2019
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Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck is pleased to announce that Avi Loewenstein, a shareholder in the firm’s Denver office, has been elected to the board of directors of Young Americans Center for Financial Education. As part of his two-year term, Loewenstein will help oversee the nonprofit programs of Young Americans Center, determine the strategic direction of the organization, approve and monitor policies and operating plans, and ensure compliance with laws and regulations.

Young Americans Center for Financial Education aims to develop the financial literacy of young people through real-life experiences and hands-on programs purposefully designed to enable them to prosper in a free enterprise system. Young Americans’ goal is that Colorado youth grow up knowing how to earn, make and manage their money wisely, regardless of background.

For more information, visit https://yacenter.org.


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